In The Media

Patent for projection: 'This is the best world map ever'

23 juni 2010, 12:00

"It is the best world map in history." Professors from technical universities have confided this to him. Kees van de Werdt from De Koog is delighted that scientists are praising his projection method. And the first patent is already in place.

He has even made it far in the TV competition 'The Best Idea in the Netherlands.'

It's all about a way to represent a three-dimensional sphere (the Earth) on a flat, two-dimensional map. A perfect representation is impossible: translation always distorts proportions. The image is always distorted.

"But a map is not meant to show reality," says Van de Werdt. "A map should provide clarity and overview. And my map does that better than all the other projection methods so far."

"Moreover, my map is simple, of great educational value, and versatile."

It all began in 1988, when Van de Werdt had an enlightened moment that resulted in a formula. The square root of xzy squared, or the total surface area of the Earth in square millimeters, and then the square root.

"What's special is that my map is square; most maps are rectangular."

"All other maps don't align. On my world map, you can see all land surfaces in one glance in the correct proportion." In 2009, the Dutch Patent Office granted him a patent on the projection method. There are supposed to be 15 in total. The practical and commercial applications are virtually endless and not limited to a simple map, according to Van de Werdt.

He can't say much yet due to a confidentiality agreement (see article below).

Texel-man on tv for the 'Best Idea of the Netherlands

23 juni 2010, 12:00

Around 8,000 inventors signed up with SBS6 for the competition of 'The Best Idea in the Netherlands.' Kees van de Werdt has made it to the top 300. Next week, the Texelaar will find out if he's among the top 20. His submission: a projection method for creating maps (see the previous article). "With this method, you can create a map with any area as the center of the world," said the inventor.

A world map with Texel at the center used to hang in Sjans before the café burned down.

A three-dimensional map is just one of the many applications. The well-known Falkplan is considering publishing a map of Texel using this method. For those who think further, a world of ideas and practical applications for this revolutionary method opens up.

Van de Werdt has already thought of many, but he can't elaborate on them due to a confidentiality agreement with SBS6. He can reveal more in a few weeks. The TV broadcast begins at the end of August.

Groninger on TV at Lang Leve De Liefde of SBS6

21 maart 2024, 19:00

Margreet the witch and Kees the inventor on Dutch Television. Looking for true love.

Maroga Carousel

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Kees van de Werdt Uitvinder Veendam