Frisland Maps

Who wrote History?

Our past has been stolen. In return we got history. His-story is the big lie

American Library of Congress 1980 - Friesland 

Friesland or Frisland, A disappeared civilization in the Atlantic Ocean. 63 degrees north latitude, 340 degrees east longitude. With cities and places that can be found on it such as: Monaco, Portlanda, Sorand, Andefort, Dolfo Norda, Spagia, Ibini, Neome. According to tradition, 1 to 1.5 million people lived there.

According to my myth, the current inhabitants of Friesland are the survivors of a terrible flood that caused the island of Frisland to disappear from all modern world maps. For me, Frisland is yet another proof that our current history is completely incorrect. I'll continue digging.


Mercator North Pole - Frisland, 1595 

Mercator Atlantis

Frisland is indeed a mythical island that frequently appears on old maps and atlases from the 16th and 17th centuries. It was associated with Northern Europe, but there is uncertainty regarding its exact location.

According to some accounts, Frisland was a wealthy island with a prosperous population and served as a significant stop on trade routes between Europe and Asia. Other stories describe Frisland as a vanished island or as an island that disappeared and reappeared.

Very little is known about Frisland, and it remains one of the many mysterious lost islands in the history of cartography and geography. Some historical geographers believe that Frisland might have been a generic term for a number of islands in the North Atlantic Ocean, while others speculate that it could have been a fabrication on maps of that era to prevent competition or deceive travelers.

In any case, Frisland continues to be a captivating and enigmatic part of the history of cartography and geography, serving as a source of speculation and debate.

Mercator Northpole Atlantis

Isola Di Frislanda - Vincenzo Coronelli, Portugal 1692

There it is, the purest map of the island of Friesland, a hidden island in the Atlantic Ocean. Until now, the island is seen as never having existed. A mythical island, a ghost island. Conspiracy terrorists declare that Friesland never existed and was a figment of the imagination of the best cartographers of the world at the time. And why? Because there has never been an explanation for the disappearance of Friesland. That will be different. Thanks to Maroga.

In the future I will let the maps speak and, using old and new maps, I will reveal the exact location of the island of Friesland and the reason for its disappearance from the world map.

To be continued…

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The Frisii were a Germanic tribe who lived in the ancient coastal regions of Northwestern Europe, in the area now known as Friesland. They were first mentioned by the Roman historian Tacitus in his book "Germania," where he described them as one of the most powerful tribes in the region.

The Frisii were renowned for their trade and maritime skills, and they had interactions with Roman traders and officials. In the 3rd century AD, they came under pressure from other Germanic tribes like the Saxons and the Franks and were eventually incorporated into the Frankish Empire.

The history and culture of the Frisii continue to have a strong influence on the region now known as Friesland. The Frisians have their own language and culture, and over the centuries, they developed a strong connection with the sea and trade. Their navigational and shipbuilding skills are still highly valued and have contributed to the development of the Dutch merchant fleet.

The Frisii are also often mentioned in connection with the mythical island of Frisland, which appeared on many maps from the 16th to the 18th century and was associated with the region of the Frisians.

Isola Di Frislanda

1570 - Abraham Ortelius - Russian Library - Vivaldi - Atlantis - Friesland

This map shows Greenland, Iceland and Friesland as 3 separate islands. In addition, Atlantis is shown with 1 of the 4 deltas. In my research memory, Atlantis is described as a wheel with 4 spokes. To be continued…

1570 - Abraham Ortelius - Russian Library - Vivaldi - Final Print_Show

1680 Moses Pitt - Oxford Worldmap Frisland

This card is again a rare case without explanation. This map depicts Friesland and Brazil, so-called ghost islands that never existed. The reason why? Since there is no explanation for their disappearance, it is believed that they never existed. claims that the islands disappeared due to a sudden rise in ocean levels.

In addition, Antarctica, which was only discovered in 1820, is visible on the map. However, Antarctica is called "Australia" and no trace of the continent of Australia as such is visible.


This is a restored version of this old world map.

1569 - Mercator - Portolaankaart - Atlantis & Frisland

What is a portolan card? It is best to see this as a stack of A4 sheets that together form 1 card. We improve these loose sheets into 1 continuous whole. Also clearly visible on this map are the 4 deltas of Atlantis and the triangle Greenland, Iceland and Friesland. The disappearance of Atlantis parallels the disappearance of Friesland and, for example, the island of Brasil...


1593 - Cornelis De Jodes World Map - Atlantis & Friesland

Once again Atlantis in the leading role. Does the ice of the North Pole hide the lost civilization of the Atlanteans, Maroga argues that it does and claims that the destruction of Atlantis coincides with the great ice age of 10,500 years ago.

1593 - Cornelis De Jodes World Map - Atlantis & Friesland_FinalPrint_0
1593 - Cornelis De Jodes World Map - Atlantis & Friesland_FinalPrint_0

Rare Chinese World Map with Frisland

I recently came across the work of the Italian Jesuit Giulio Aleni, who compiled this remarkable map in China in 1620. This world map, with dimensions of 220 cm by 110 cm, clearly shows Greenland, Iceland and even Friesland, while Australia is missing. Most striking is that Antarctica is already visible, although it was only officially discovered in 1820.

This canvas portrait deserves a prominent place in every Chinese restaurant, because it provides evidence that Chinese civilization was and is much more advanced than previously thought. It sheds new light on the world's historical knowledge and reminds us that China has played an important role in exploring and understanding our planet.


This is a restored version of this old rare world map.

Do you know old maps that question history?


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Kees van de Werdt Uitvinder Veendam